Coín registers close to 3,500 contracts in 2022 with an unemployment rate that drops to 19.5%
The mayor of the city and the employment delegate of the Junta de Andalucía in Málaga analyze and announce this employment data in the city in the past year. They have highlighted the implementation of the 'Joven Ahora' plan that has allowed the hiring of 33 young people and the offer of three training courses that will benefit a total of 45 residents.
The municipality of Coín has registered during the year 2022 a considerable decrease in the unemployment rate that drops from 20% and stands at 19.5%. During this year, a total of 3,493 contracts have been made, which has allowed the city to register the best employment data since 2007. "Taking into account the current national economic situation, there are good employment data that show that Coín is a lively city, with great movement and economic activity and that works. We will continue working because being the best data for 15 years, it continues to be an important figure that we want to continue reducing", highlighted the mayor of the city, Francisco Santos, after the meeting held with the Employment delegate of the Junta de Andalucía in Malaga, Carmen Sánchez, and the Councilor for Employment of the Coín City Council, Raquel López.
The unemployment figure for the past 2022 was 2,148 in December, a 19.5% unemployment, the best historical data since 2007, when it registered 13.44%. The number of unemployed people decreased to 2,148, while the population of the city also grew, remaining on that same date at 24,309 inhabitants. In terms of contracts, 3,493 have been the total number of contracts carried out throughout the year, being 2,112 permanent and 1,381 temporary. "The economic crisis, the Covid-19 and the subsequent national inflation and national economic situation have weighed down the latest unemployment data, but since 2020 when 26.23% unemployment was registered, it has dropped to 19.5% in 2022" , has defended the councilor from Coin.
In this sense, the mayor and delegate have highlighted the contracts that have also been made by the City Council with the collaboration of the Junta de Andalucía. "Some 33 young people from Coín have been hired as part of the Joven Ahora program and three training courses for employment will soon begin that will benefit about 45 people," Sánchez remarked. Between both programs, an investment from the Junta de Andalucía of more than 400,000 euros has stood out. In this sense, the mayor from Coin has highlighted the large group of projects and works that have energized and activated the local economy and through various actions with programs such as 'Inserta Coin', as well as the great work of the commercial and business sector of Coin. “We are working to make our city a land of opportunities, attracting investors and energizing and supporting our companies so that they continue to grow and create jobs”, he remarked.