Youth Card
If you are a holder of the Youth Card you can benefit from a multitude of goods and services in Spain and abroad at a preferential price. The Youth Card is valid in more than 40 countries, and with it you will enjoy discounts on everything that interests you: travel, leisure, culture, education, financial benefits...
Requirements to obtain your youth card:
- You must be between the ages of 14 and 30 (both inclusive).
- You must be Andalusian or resident in Andalusia, or a member of an Andalusian community settled outside of Andalusia and officially recognized by the Andalusian Governing Council.
To get your youth card: go to the Youth Council with your DNI and €6, and you can take your youth card with you.
Youth Correspondents
Youth correspondents are young people who voluntarily and responsibly spend their free time informing other young people, in collaboration with a Youth Information Center. They disseminate information from young to young and collect the demands of their peers.
Rights of a correspondent:
- Receive information from your local Youth Information Center.
- Receive the necessary training for the development of their activity.
- Development of action programs.
- Be accredited as a Youth Correspondent.
- Freely cease their status as correspondent.
Duties of a correspondent:
- Maintain periodic contact with the Youth Information Center of your locality.
- Perform a dynamic function of their colleagues and encourage their participation.
- Respect the internal rules of the Center in which it develops its activity.
- Transfer to the Information Center the demands of their colleagues.
- Install your correspondent where appropriate.
If you want to be a youth correspondent and enjoy its advantages, go to the Youth Department to apply.
Youth Exhibition Hall
If you are young and want to exhibit your artistic work or your project, contact the youth area.