Dependency Law

Law 39/2006, of December 14, on the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for people in a situation of dependency (published in BOE No. 299, of December 15, 2006), regulates the basic conditions for the promotion of personal autonomy and care for people in a situation of dependency through the creation of the System for Autonomy and Care for Dependency (SAAD), in which all those Public Administrations with competences in the matter collaborate and participate.


Dependency is understood as: "the state of permanent nature in which people find themselves who, for reasons derived from age, illness or disability, and linked to the lack or loss of physical, mental, intellectual or sensory autonomy , require the attention of another person or persons or important help to carry out basic activities of daily living or, in the case of people with intellectual disabilities or mental illness, other support for their personal autonomy.»



All persons who wish to access the services and benefits established by the dependency law must meet the following requirements:

  • Being in a situation of dependency in any of the degrees established by law.
  • Reside in Spanish territory and have done so for five years, two of which must be immediately prior to the date of submission of the application. For children under five years of age, the period of residence will be required of the person who exercises their guardianship and custody.
  • Having Spanish nationality, or people who, meeting the above requirements, do not have Spanish nationality will be governed by the provisions of Organic Law 4/2000, of January 11, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration. , in international treaties and in the agreements established with the country of origin. For minors who do not have Spanish nationality, the provisions of the current Minor Laws will apply, both at the state and regional level, as well as in international treaties.


Steps to follow:

The person who believes they are in a situation of Dependency must go to the Coin Community Social Services Center, where they will be informed in detail of the procedure to follow, for this, they must bring the following documentation:

  • DNI of the requesting person, or in its case, DNI of the legal representative, de facto guardian or of the person who carries out the verbal mandate.
  • ID of the main caregiver.
  • Social Security card of the applicant.
  • Disability certificate (if you have one)
  • Documentation accrediting the legal representation that it holds, copy of the sentence that declares it.
  • Family Book (for children under 18 years of age)


Services and Benefits:

The services and benefits that can be accessed are:

  • Service for the prevention of dependency and promotion of personal autonomy.
  • Telecare service.
  • Home help service.
  • Center service day and night.
  • Residential Care Service.
  • Economic benefit linked to the service.
  • Financial benefit for care in the family environment and support for non-professional caregivers.
  • Economic prestation for personal assistance.